Landmark Theatres has several acclaimed German films opening in our venues in San Francisco and the East Bay. These 3 upcoming movies LORE, THE SILENCE, and BARBARA promise to be riveting and definite food for thought for any German affiliated groups. My comments about BARBARA (Germany’s bit for this year’s Oscars) are further down on this blog, yes, worth seeing. THE SILENCE I saw at the Munich Filmfest when it premiered there in 2010, a film packed with village oddballs and lots of suspense that did not quite work for me. Couldn’t put the puzzle together but you might. LORE, Australia’s Oscar nomination for 2013, takes place in Germany, is in German with German actors, and tells a riveting war story.
Check the movie pages for times at the various Landmark Theatres, BARBARA will open March 8, LORE and THE SILENCE are playing now at Embarcadero and Shattuck in Berkeley.